Self-catering cottages in Victory Park, Johannesburg
If you’re coming to Johannesburg for work, travel or visiting friends, then self-catering cottages are the ideal option for you. The main benefit of self-catering accommodation is the fact that you are free of strict schedules, eating times and itineraries while enjoying all the benefits of luxury accommodation.
At Moonflower Cottages, we offer a number of accommodation options, such as the Executive Cottage that lets you savor the luxury of your own spacious, double story cottage. We are situated near a number of major attractions, shopping malls and we are walking distance from Victory Park shopping center.
We offer secure street parking and our experienced staff will service your cottage daily (or weekly for longer stays). You will have complete autonomy thanks to remote control access to the property for each guest.
We realize that comfort is of paramount importance for people traveling for work and business, which is why we offer WiFi internet at no additional cost. Our staff will also make sure that your clothes are cleaned if you are in need of laundry services at an additional small cost.
The rates of our various units are as follows:
- Executive cottage – Single: R750.00, Sharing R500.00 /person
- Cottage One – Single: R650.00, Sharing R400.00/person
- Cottage Two – R650.00, Sharing R400.00/person
- Cottage Three – R650.00, Sharing R400.00/person
- Studio – R650.00, Sharing R400.00/person
Johannesburg is a must-see city and we can help you with any local tour or travel information. Some great attractions to go and see during your stay include Gold Reef City, Sandton City, Newtown, Neighbourhoods Market and Monte Casino.